What is Arthroscopic Surgery?

Arthroscopic surgery is a minimally-invasive surgery technique used by orthopedists to diagnose and treat orthopedic conditions. An arthroscope is a surgical tool with an attached camera that helps medical professionals gather a full, clear visualization of an injured or painful joint. The images gathered from the camera attached to the arthroscope are displayed on a monitor and allow for a real-time visual of the affected area of the body. Because this procedure does not require large incisions to give orthopedic doctors access to the joint, patients benefit from a much quicker recovery time with less pain associated with their operation.

Dr. Horn offers arthroscopic surgery on the following joints:

  • Knee
  • Shoulder
Arthroscopic Surgery at Dr. Horn Orthopedics In Baytown

What to Expect

Dr. Horn has tremendous experience in performing arthroscopy of both the knee and shoulder. This technique allows him to correct joint problems without the need to make large incisions. Because of this, patients can typically expect less pain, minimal scarring, and a more rapid recovery.

For those needing arthroscopy surgery in the knee, X-rays and an MRI are usually the first steps in order to determine damage in the joint. Most commonly, arthroscopy is utilized when the X-rays and MRI shows torn cartilage or ligament damage, though there are numerous other indicators of needing this procedure. Surgical time is generally less than 30 to 45 minutes, and postoperative recovery usually takes 4 – 6 weeks.

Those in need of arthroscopic surgery of the shoulder can expect similar results. Advanced training in arthroscopic surgery techniques allow Dr. Horn to treat problems in the shoulder with small incisions that minimize damage in the surrounding muscles. Patients will undergo X-rays and an MRI to check for indicators such as bone spurs, rotator cuff tears, and ligament tears, along with several other indicators. Following an arthroscopic procedure on the shoulder, patients can expect a six-week period of immobilization in a sling, with full recovery expected in the vast majority of cases.

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What Conditions Can Arthroscopic Surgery Treat?

Arthroscopic surgery can provide benefits for patients with the following conditions:

  • Torn cartilage
  • Ligament damage
  • Bone spurs
  • Rotator cuff tears

What Symptoms Can Arthroscopic Surgery Treat?

Patients with the following symptoms may need arthroscopic surgery:

  • Pain in the weeks or months following an injury
  • Pain that has not improved with the help of non-surgical treatment methods
  • Reduced range of motion caused by orthopedic pain
  • Swollen, red joints

What are the Benefits of Arthroscopic Surgery with Dr. Horn?

Dr. Horn utilizes his years of orthopedic expertise and his commitment to cutting-edge treatments to provide minimally-invasive arthroscopic surgery to patients in Baytown, Texas, and the surrounding areas. With the aid of an arthroscope, Dr. Horn is able to gather a complete visualization of painful or injured joints in order to provide effective treatment with minimal risks and postoperative down time. By gaining a full understanding of the patient’s medical history, symptoms, and degree of pain, Dr. Horn is able to utilize arthroscopic surgery in a manner that is best suited to each individual patient. With arthroscopic surgery from Dr. Horn, early diagnosis or treatment of painful orthopedic conditions is easier than ever.