orthopedic specialist

Visiting an Orthopedic Specialist vs. General Doctor

30 Sep 2020 Uncategorized


Should you visit an orthopedic specialist or your primary physician

 Benefits of visiting an orthopedic specialist

Dr Horn—Texas Orthopedic Specialist

Should you visit an orthopedic specialist or your primary physician


A primary care physician is trained in internal medicine. They understand you as a patient based on your symptoms, medical history and manage your general care. You should seek out your primary care doctor initially, and if a specialist is needed, your primary care doctor will notify you and guide you to the proper specialist.


While you may know your body best, your general physician has the background to decipher if your issue is orthopedic related. An orthopedic doctor specializes in musculoskeletal injuries, such as a bone fracture or joint issues. In certain cases, older individuals or people involved in sports or high stress activities with pre-diagnosed orthopedic conditions can seek out an orthopedic specialist before their general physician.


If you live in the greater Houston area and need to seek an orthopedic specialist, ask your general physician about Dr. Horn Orthopedics.


Benefits of Visiting an Orthopedic Specialist


If you have a repetitive motion injury to a bone, joint, tendon or nerve, chronic joint or bone pain, arthritis, or have been diagnosed with rheumatic disease, an orthopedic specialist will be beneficial for you.

Orthopedic doctors are specialists highly trained in their field, with many years of experience, giving them the tools, knowledge, and credibility to properly treat human bones, muscles, and joints. Orthopedic doctors can both diagnose and provide treatment for musculoskeletal problems.


Orthopedic doctors can provide valuable information on what you may be doing that can be causing the issue, such as not using proper form when you are active. For example, if you are middle aged or older and experiencing problems when speed walking, the specialist can aid you by showing you the proper method or providing resources to alleviate the problem. In most cases, they can diagnose a problem after viewing your x-rays which usually can be performed and diagnosed the same day as your visit.


An orthopedic specialist is the best physician to see when experiencing known musculoskeletal problems. Going to the ER or your primary care doctor with a known orthopedic condition will waste time and money, as both will simply redirect you to an orthopedic specialist. In addition, it can take hours for a doctor to see a patient in the ER and a diagnosis may come later than expected.


Not only will your orthopedic specialist examine and diagnose you, they will also oversee your recovery and follow-up with your primary care physician.


Dr. Horn – Texas Orthopedic Specialist


Dr. Horn is an orthopedic doctor and surgeon who has been dedicated to the treatment of human bones, muscles, and joints for decades. Dr. Horn is an expert in his field, and many people in the greater Houston area seek him when in need of orthopedic care.


Board-certified in orthopedic surgery since 1996, Dr. Horn has three locations in Texas so that he may extend his reach to potential patients needing orthopedic care.


Call Dr. Horn Orthopedics at (281) 837-8550 or visit www.hornortho.com to schedule a consultation or appointment today.

Orthopedic Products vs. Orthopedic Treatments

13 Aug 2020 Uncategorized

Orthopedic Shoes: Temporary Solutions


Orthopedic shoes are footwear designed to support the use and structure of the foot, ankle, and leg. Investing in a pair can correct foot-related complications and prevent or lessen chronic pain.


Here are some advantages of wearing orthopedic shoes:


  1. Support: The shoe cushions the entire foot, allowing for the continued support the foot needs. Proper orthopedic shoes can correct any problems with foot alignment.
  2. Circulation: Orthopedic shoes were designed to give your feet room to wiggle and move, allowing for increased circulation.
  3. Swing it in Style: These aren’t your mother’s orthopedic shoes. Now days, many famous shoe manufacturers have designed fashionable orthopedic shoe lines.
  4. Get the Fit: Orthopedic shoes have more room in the toe box area, which is designed to keep your toes from being pressed together. Available in non-standard sizes, the shoes give people many options who might have difficult-to-fit feet.
  5. Alignment: If worn regularly, orthopedic shoes can fix alignment issues and keep the arches of the feet pain free and in good working order.



Orthopedic Pillow – Temporary Relief


A common cause of neck pain is not having a proper pillow. When you sleep with a normal pillow, you end up in bed in an awkward position, only to wake up with excruciating pain in the neck. An orthopedic pillow for the neck can be a great remedy and ensure that you are sleeping in the optimal position to alleviate pain and reduce motion and movement while you sleep.


True, normal pillows bolster the head, neck, and upper back. Created for ergonomic support, the orthopedic pillow does the same but also allows for comfort and reduces the possibility of having neck pain when you wake up. Orthopedic pillows have a contoured shape that molds to an ideal sleeping position in addition to improving spinal alignment.


Orthopedic Braces – Temporary Treatments


Orthopedic braces, especially knee braces and supports, provide enough backing to manage knee injuries.


A knee injury can occur when you twist your knee, when you have poor knee to ankle alignment, and above all, when you are an athlete and your knee gets injured during the game. This can be a great setback for you and others who may depend on you. Your knee injury impedes your normal day-to-day activities. If you have a knee injury, it can hurt to walk and perform every day normal activities.


Patella damage, arthritis pain, ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) and LCL (lateral collateral ligament) are just some of the common knee injuries. Using an orthopedic brace can assist in holding the bones together providing added support so your knee joint stays stable while you are in movement.


There are a lot of braces to choose from, but you should always consult with your orthopedic doctor to see what works best for you to prevent further injury due to improper care. One tip is the brace should feel snug, but not to the level where your movement becomes constricted or your circulation is cut off.


Orthopedic Treatment at Dr. Horn Orthopedics – Lasting Results


So, which is best, orthopedic products or orthopedic treatments?


Each individual has a different answer to that question based on their issue. If orthopedic products still cause you pain, this means you may need to consult a sports doctor for your particular issue. But in a more general sense, you may respond very well to non-surgical treatments and see your pain lessen and potentially stop completely. Such remedies can restore proper movement and strengthen muscles and joints without going under the knife while having lasting results with proper maintenance and care.


If you suffer from pain and would like treatment, Dr. Horn specializes in non-surgical and surgical treatments in the Baytown, Tx, area. Dr. Horn will pinpoint what the potential issues may be when you feel pain and provide the proper coarse of action to prevent you from making mistakes during and after treatment.


Dr. Horn provides you the optimal care path for your orthopedic condition to achieve your personal health goals and get you back on your feet. Call our office today at (261) 837-8550 to schedule your In-clinic or Telemedicine appointment or visit www.hornortho.com for more information and current orthopedic news.

knee joint replacement

Microfracture Surgery for Knee

15 Jul 2020 Uncategorized

Microfracture Surgery for Knee


Knee cartilage microfracture surgery is performed to treat damaged areas of articular cartilage of the knee and the knee joint. It is a common procedure used to restore a full-thickness cartilage defect of the knee. If the patient has areas of damaged cartilage causing chronic pain, microfracture surgery is an attempt to stimulate new cartilage growth. Cartilage helps cushion and cover the area where bones meet at the joints.



What is Knee Arthroscopic Surgery?

Arthroscopic surgery is a minimally invasive surgery used by orthopedic professionals to treat an orthopedic knee condition. Since large incisions are not required for this procedure, a patient can recover quickly and with minimal pain. Dr. Horn Orthopedics performs arthroscopic surgery on both the knee and shoulder joints.


The microfracture procedure of the knee is done arthroscopically. Three small incisions are made on the knee. While assessing the extent of cartilage damage, any “unstable” cartilage is removed and the surrounding area of articular cartilage is also examined to see if there is any loose or marginally attached cartilage. Any loose cartilage is also removed in order to create a stable edge of cartilage surrounding the affected area. This arthroscopic procedure uses the patient’s natural ability to heal and enhance tissue regeneration to the chondral (cartilage) surface.

Recovery usually takes anywhere from two to six months after the procedure for the patient to experience almost full relief from pain and increased function of the knee. Recovery is likely to continue for about 2 to 3 years with proper care and exercise.


Who Needs Microfracture Surgery for the Knee?


People who suffer from the following:

  1. A loss of articular cartilage down to the bone.
  2. The cartilage covering the underlying bone is unstable.
  3. Damaged cartilage that results in pain and swelling.


Knee Arthroscopy at Dr. Horn Orthopedics

In addition to bringing relief to patients who have joint pain, Dr. Horn performs fracture management and total joint replacement.


Dr. Horn has been board-certified in orthopedic surgery since 1996 and a member of the Fondren Orthopedic Group, L.L.P. Dr. Horn provides private orthopedic surgery and is nationally recognized as a top practitioner in Texas. The many patients who visit Dr. Horn can rest at ease knowing they are in the hands of one of the leading names in the industry.


It is often hard to find an orthopedic doctor and surgeon near you and whom you can trust. This is why a visit to Dr. Horn may be your best bet for dependable, professional medical treatment. Dr. Horn is specialized in treating joint pain along with the muscles and bones of the human body. For decades, Dr. Horn and his staff have been providing exceptional specialized treatment based on the best course for complete recovery.


If you live in Baytown, Texas, or the surrounding area, don’t miss out on the chance to receive the best-in-class treatment from Dr. Horn Orthopedics. Dr. Horn is affiliated with several surgery facilities in the South Texas area, including the Texas Altus Hospital, the Houston Methodist Baytown Hospital, as well as the Bayshore Medical Center located in Pasadena, Texas.


At Dr. Horn Orthopedics, the health and well-being of patients are the top priority. Call Dr. Horn Orthopedics at (281) 837-8550 to schedule your consultation or appointment today. Patients can choose from In-clinic visits with the physician or a virtual Telemedicine appointment from the safety of your home.

Sports Injury Doctor

30 Jun 2020 Uncategorized 1

Common Sports Injuries

Common sports injuries include the following:

  1. Patellofemoral Syndrome

The lower body and legs are most susceptible to pain when engaging in a sport. Patellofemoral syndrome is the most common knee injury and is caused by a slip or a fall.


  1. Shoulder Injury

The shoulders are used when playing any sports causing a great deal of force to be exerted on them. This can lead to issues involving damage to the joint and surrounding tissues leading to pain and injury.


  1. Tennis or Golf Elbow

Tennis and golfer’s elbow are typically caused by repetitive gripping of the wrist and hand. This can lead to the tendons of the forearm becoming inflamed and painful when using the arms and hands.


  1. Hamstring Strain

The hamstring muscle can get very tight causing pain, but if you properly stretch before a sport, or any strenuous activity, you can help to minimize the risk of injury. Regular stretching also aids in muscle health.


  1. Sciatica

Sciatica is back pain that also causes inflammation to the back of the leg and even down to the feet. Back pain is often seen in cyclists due to their flexed forward posture position when riding a bicycle.


  1. Shin Splints

Shin splint pain is found in the lower leg bone or the tibia, and is often found in runners, or any sport where the legs are under repetitive stress. The pain is caused by the overuse of the muscles and connective tissues.


  1. Concussion

A concussion is an injury to the brain caused by a blow to the head and is often seen in contact sports. If the brain is potentially shaken, the athlete should be immediately checked by a doctor for a more serious injury.


  1. Hip Flexor Strain

Hip flexors are the muscles on the upper front side of your thigh. A strain is commonly found when athletes lift their knees toward their trunk. Sprinting, running inclines, and any sport that requires quick turns and sudden starts can cause this type of strain.


Doctors for Sports Injury – Visit Dr. Horn Orthopedics

Why go to an orthopedic doctor to treat your sports injury? They have a more specialized training in treating common sports injuries. Unlike a general physician, an orthopedic sports injury doctor deals mostly with athletes or issues closely related and has an additional level of training in sports medicine.

The advantage of seeing an orthopedic doctor is that they can quickly assess the type of injury an athlete has. More importantly, the doctor will look for alternate treatments for your injury in an effort to avoid surgery. It’s the physician who often tells their athletic clients that they need surgery based on expert evaluation.

Finding An Orthopedic Sports Injury Doctor Near You

It’s often hard to find a sports injury doctor at a sports injury clinic who is near you. This is why a visit to Dr. Horn, an orthopedic doctor and surgeon, may be your best bet. Dr. Horn has specialized in treating the muscles and bones of the human body for decades and can provide treatment on the best course for complete recovery.


What’s the Difference Between a Sports Injury Doctor and an Orthopedic Surgeon?

Both treat the musculoskeletal system. A sports injury doctor often can be found on the sidelines during a sporting event or game. They handle small medical injuries, such as sprains.

While sports doctors specialize in non-operative treatment, an orthopedic surgeon specializes in the operative treatment of injuries. These injuries are often more severe. These injuries can include breaks, tears, and various other sport-injury related problems.

Orthopedic Doctors Don’t Just Treat Athletes

An orthopedic doctor doesn’t just treat athletes. Many people who are 40 or older turn to orthopedic doctors so they can prevent an injury while doing an exercise such as walking or running or if they’re experiencing orthopedic pain.

An orthopedic doctor finds out what you are doing wrong when you are being active and feeling pain. The doctor will show you the proper form to prevent mistakes. For older people who want to build muscle or lower their weight but can’t, the orthopedic doctor will take you through your routine and pinpoint the reasons why you are failing. The doctor can also teach you proper nutrition dictated by the sport you’re doing. Significantly, the doctor is more precise than a trainer because the doctor can treat people in a medical way on the spot.


Call Dr. Horn Orthopedics at (281) 837-8550 or visit www.hornortho.com to schedule a consultation or appointment today.

bike saftey month

National Bike Month: Orthopedic Safety Tips

18 May 2020 Uncategorized

Bike Safety Tips from an Orthopedic Doctor

Here are some bike safety tips you should always practice.

  1. The Bike Needs to be in Tip-Top Shape

Before heading out for a ride, check over the entire bike to ensure the bike is working properly. Adjust the seat and handlebars for a proper fit for your size, making sure the breaks work well. Don’t forget to check both tires and see if either need to be inflated.

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