
Sports Injury Doctor

30 Jun 2020 Uncategorized 1

Common Sports Injuries

Common sports injuries include the following:

  1. Patellofemoral Syndrome

The lower body and legs are most susceptible to pain when engaging in a sport. Patellofemoral syndrome is the most common knee injury and is caused by a slip or a fall.


  1. Shoulder Injury

The shoulders are used when playing any sports causing a great deal of force to be exerted on them. This can lead to issues involving damage to the joint and surrounding tissues leading to pain and injury.


  1. Tennis or Golf Elbow

Tennis and golfer’s elbow are typically caused by repetitive gripping of the wrist and hand. This can lead to the tendons of the forearm becoming inflamed and painful when using the arms and hands.


  1. Hamstring Strain

The hamstring muscle can get very tight causing pain, but if you properly stretch before a sport, or any strenuous activity, you can help to minimize the risk of injury. Regular stretching also aids in muscle health.


  1. Sciatica

Sciatica is back pain that also causes inflammation to the back of the leg and even down to the feet. Back pain is often seen in cyclists due to their flexed forward posture position when riding a bicycle.


  1. Shin Splints

Shin splint pain is found in the lower leg bone or the tibia, and is often found in runners, or any sport where the legs are under repetitive stress. The pain is caused by the overuse of the muscles and connective tissues.


  1. Concussion

A concussion is an injury to the brain caused by a blow to the head and is often seen in contact sports. If the brain is potentially shaken, the athlete should be immediately checked by a doctor for a more serious injury.


  1. Hip Flexor Strain

Hip flexors are the muscles on the upper front side of your thigh. A strain is commonly found when athletes lift their knees toward their trunk. Sprinting, running inclines, and any sport that requires quick turns and sudden starts can cause this type of strain.


Doctors for Sports Injury – Visit Dr. Horn Orthopedics

Why go to an orthopedic doctor to treat your sports injury? They have a more specialized training in treating common sports injuries. Unlike a general physician, an orthopedic sports injury doctor deals mostly with athletes or issues closely related and has an additional level of training in sports medicine.

The advantage of seeing an orthopedic doctor is that they can quickly assess the type of injury an athlete has. More importantly, the doctor will look for alternate treatments for your injury in an effort to avoid surgery. It’s the physician who often tells their athletic clients that they need surgery based on expert evaluation.

Finding An Orthopedic Sports Injury Doctor Near You

It’s often hard to find a sports injury doctor at a sports injury clinic who is near you. This is why a visit to Dr. Horn, an orthopedic doctor and surgeon, may be your best bet. Dr. Horn has specialized in treating the muscles and bones of the human body for decades and can provide treatment on the best course for complete recovery.


What’s the Difference Between a Sports Injury Doctor and an Orthopedic Surgeon?

Both treat the musculoskeletal system. A sports injury doctor often can be found on the sidelines during a sporting event or game. They handle small medical injuries, such as sprains.

While sports doctors specialize in non-operative treatment, an orthopedic surgeon specializes in the operative treatment of injuries. These injuries are often more severe. These injuries can include breaks, tears, and various other sport-injury related problems.

Orthopedic Doctors Don’t Just Treat Athletes

An orthopedic doctor doesn’t just treat athletes. Many people who are 40 or older turn to orthopedic doctors so they can prevent an injury while doing an exercise such as walking or running or if they’re experiencing orthopedic pain.

An orthopedic doctor finds out what you are doing wrong when you are being active and feeling pain. The doctor will show you the proper form to prevent mistakes. For older people who want to build muscle or lower their weight but can’t, the orthopedic doctor will take you through your routine and pinpoint the reasons why you are failing. The doctor can also teach you proper nutrition dictated by the sport you’re doing. Significantly, the doctor is more precise than a trainer because the doctor can treat people in a medical way on the spot.


Call Dr. Horn Orthopedics at (281) 837-8550 or visit www.hornortho.com to schedule a consultation or appointment today.

