orthopedic specialist

Is it Time to See an Orthopedic Specialist? Check for These Signs

Many residents in Baytown, Texas know the important roles that joints play within the body. They help you move and perform essentially every aspect of your daily routine. That’s why it can be concerning when these joints start to become achy and swollen, making it difficult to perform those daily tasks.  At Dr. Horn Orthopedics, we understand that joint problems can be frustrating, so we’ve laid out some signs that mean it’s time to visit an orthopedic specialist:


  1. You Experience a Limited Range of Motion

Joint problems can cause you to feel “held back” when your range of motion becomes limited. If you begin to notice tightness or extreme pain when moving your joints in a normal way, it could be time to seek the help of a professional orthopedic specialist. Often, this limited range of motion can indicate an underlying joint issue, such as arthritis.



  1. You Can No Longer Perform Your Daily Routine

Whether your daily routine includes a certain hobby or taking some time to exercise, it’s important that your joints feel their best to help you complete your tasks. However, when you can no longer enjoy your hobby, exercise, or even engage in any light physical activity that is needed throughout your day, it’s a sign that it’s time to seek a medical professional. For example, if you notice that walking your dog or climbing a flight of stairs results in extreme pain, it’s a sign that there may be a joint issue that should be addresses by a Baytown, Texas orthopedic specialist.



  1. Your Pain Has Become Chronic

Sometimes, joint pain or stiffness can be a natural result of minor trauma or a non-serious injury. These instances may result in pain for the next 48 hours or so. However, if the pain has become chronic, lasting for weeks or even months, it may mean there is a joint issue that can only be resolved by visiting an orthopedic specialist.



  1. Your Stability Has Decreased

Walking and standing are easy tasks when your joints are healthy and strong. However, those needing the help of a medical professional may notice that pain has affected their joint stability. If you have become less prone to falls and feeling “off-balance” because of joint pain or decreased range of motion, it’s important to visit a specialist before a serious fall that can lead to an injury occurs.



  1. Conservative Joint Treatments Have Not Worked

Before considering the possibility of surgery or any other invasive treatment for joint pain, it’s important to try more conservative treatment methods first. This can include stretches, over-the-counter medication, or exercise to strengthen the muscles that surround the joints. However, if these treatment methods do not work, it may be beneficial to speak with your orthopedic specialist about the possibility of surgical treatment.


Dealing with joint pain can be an unpleasant experience. Fortunately, an orthopedic specialist can help manage and treat painful symptoms. For professional orthopedic services in Baytown, Texas and the surrounding areas, give Dr. Horn Orthopedics a call at (281) 837-8550.

