
Your Answer to Stiff Knees is in this Article

Whether it’s because of age, obesity, lifestyle choices, a past injury or a disease, stiff knees can have quite an impact on one’s mobility, daily activities, and quality of life. At Dr. Horn Orthopedics, we believe that no one should be held back by stiffness and soreness, so we’ve laid out some tips to help your knees feel their best:

  1. Lose Excess Weight

Overweight people tend to be at a greater risk of knee pain and stiffness, since the joints have to bear a greater load of weight. The best results are seen when exercise is added into a weight loss routine, as exercise also helps to simulate blood flow to the joints and strengthens the surrounding muscles. Those with stiff knees caused by arthritis may find this tip particularly helpful, since weight loss will not only improve joint mobility and function, but also reduce pain and inflammation.


  1. Use the PRICE Method

The principles of PRICE can help with the initial stages of knee stiffness that result from excessive accumulation of fluid. This accumulation can be caused by a variety of factors, including an injury, certain health conditions, or simply overuse of the joint. What exactly is PRICE?

  • Protection of the joint – Wearing a brace can help accomplish this.
  • Rest – Avoid vigorous activities. However, you should still engage in light movement to help promote blood flow to the joints.
  • Ice – Icing the joints helps in reducing swelling and, eventually, stiffness.
  • Compression – Compression bandages can help, as they are designed specifically to provide support to the knee and prevent swelling.
  • Elevation – Keeping your knee elevated prevents excess fluid from accumulating in the joint.

Protection saves your joint from further injury, and rest allows your body to take its time to heal. Ice helps in controlling swelling and inflammation, while compression provides additional support, and elevation uses the help of gravity to assuage swelling. The PRICE method is especially effective if implemented immediately after injury or within 24-48 hours.


  1. Avoid a Sedentary Lifestyle

Avoiding prolonged periods of inactivity is an easy and an effective way to improve knee pain symptoms. For example, a small walk every 25 minutes can help reduce stiffness in the knee by loosening the surrounding muscles and promoting blood flow to the joint. A great way to get movement into your day, especially if you work at a desk, is by gently moving the knee forward and backward while sitting.


  1. Begin Exercising

Physical activity can drastically improve your joint mobility and reduce stiffness. Some exercises that are recommended for improving knee stiffness include:

  • Quad clenches
  • Short arcs
  • Long arcs
  • Straight leg raise
  • Knee marching

However, keep in mind to speak with your Baytown orthopedic doctor before beginning a new exercise routine.


Reducing stiffness and soreness in the knee may seem like an impossible task, but these tips can dramatically help. At Dr. Horn Orthopedics, we provide expert orthopedic services to those in Baytown, Texas, and the surrounding areas. Give us a call at (281) 837-8550 or visit us at https://hornortho.com/total-joint-replacement/.

